Wednesday 11 July 2007

One to Read

Fingerprint: The Art of Using Handmade Elements in Graphic Design
Chen Design Associates

CMYK's book review provided me with a new publication to add to my list; I have been passionate about a hands-on approach ever since the days of cutting and sticking during my Art Foundation year prior to coming to University. Following a recent loss of my beloved apple mac, along with the majority of my stored work, I was advised by Mike Sheedy (Head of Year) to make the most of idea development 'the old fashioned way'. It worked, and the project was my most successful to date.
"This book doesnt celebrate the completely unplugged, but by surverying design work with a degree of handmade.. is a welcome counterpoint to the smooth digital perfection we now encounter daily" (Glen Helfand, CMYK Spring/Summer 2007)

1 comment:

Michelle Almond said...

I agree with you that having a hands on aproach to design is the most fun and interactive way to be creative. There are a lot of artists around who are firstly using the hands-on aproach... using markers and pencils and then macing them up afterwards. There is a blog on another website about a guy called Vonster I think... worth checking out! Also, a guy called Si Scott has done some fab work using illustration and typography. I find that the highligh of each brief is the pro-active doodling! It's quicker than macing up ideas and since I've been doing it I have found it easier to be creative.